Hier geht's zur App:

tl_files/bilder/App Michael Hoch.jpg

The practice team at the Dräger building


Who are we?


A modern dental practice providing a complete range of cosmetic, general and dental implant dentistry treatments

A highly qualified team, with extensive experiences of the latest innovations in dental health care.


What do we do?

We are committed to providing patients with the very best dentistry has to offer in a caring and gentle way. Presenting modern, state-of-the-art technology and equipment; we offer a wide range of dental treatments using the highest quality materials available.


Let us introduce ourselves :

(Please move your mouse over the picture )



Zahnarztpraxis Lübeck: Das Team Dr. Michael Hoch Andrea Johansen Gabriele Meyer Claudia Lohrenz Nicole Neumann Frau Meike Dabelow Dr. Detlef Schulz Ute Fisser Kathrin Schafranski